After a few days we are finally back from an exhausting weekend in Atlantic City and managed to survive the Celebration Of Suds. Over 3,000 beer drinkers came from all over to experience live music, pretzel necklaces and beer from around the country. Continue reading “ATLANTIC CITY BEER FEST”
A food pairing that has been in the works for quite some time has finally happened, and makes for a solid introduction to a series of pairings we plan to do throughout the year. Teaming up with our friend Vito from the Coppermine Pub, we set out to see what cheeses work best with a variety of different beers. For our first pairing session we decided to go the sour route, as there are many different styles and flavors of sours that we felt would lend very well to the flavors of cheese. As for which cheeses – well, let’s just say that without Vito we would have been at a loss. So, we gathered up some sours and a few different cheeses to see which ones were more fitting than the next. Continue reading “BEER AND CHEESE PAIRING PART I”
We are big Game Of Thrones nerds here at I Drink Good Beer so with the premier of season four hitting HBO this past weekend, we couldn’t help ourselves but to have a feast that can only be fit for a king. Continue reading “OMMEGANG FIRE AND BLOOD”
A few weeks back I had the pleasure of meeting Carl Oelker from Toucan Mobile Canning via our friend Tyler at Iron Heart. Since mobile canning has taken off around the country, there are a lot more people getting into the game and seeing as it is one of my favorite segments of craft beer as of late, I couldn’t help but to write a little piece about Carl and Toucan. Continue reading “TOUCAN MOBILE CANNING”
Since we last visited River Horse for our expansion film, they have been quite busy filling their fermenters full of delicious beer for drinkers in the tri-state area. Since moving, they have brought back their lager game and have started to make smaller batches of other lager beers including a Dunkel Lager and a Pilsner that is in their Brewer’s Reserve series. Continue reading “RIVER HORSE BREWING PILSNER”