It’s been a while since we have written about our friends at Smuttynose. What better way to kick things back off then with the latest brew in the Big Beer series: Zinneke. Continue reading “SMUTTYNOSE BREWING ZINNEKE”
Smuttynose latest and newest big beer, Homunculus, has recently hit shelves. Homunculus was the first edition in the Smuttynose short batch series and was originally called The Gnome, an homage to Brasserie d’Achouffe. There is an awesome story to read here about that. I would also like to add that this label is awesome. Adourned with Smuttynose employee’s impregnating a bottle of brew, this has to be one of the funniest and clever labels I have ever seen.
 Brewed with belgian yeast this brew gives off a very fruity scent with a mild hop flavor that is all balanced out with some sweet malts. The beer has minimal carbonation and retention. Not being a belgian fan I found this beer to be very tasty and can’t wait to try the one’s I stashed away years from now.
It’s not often that I catch my favorite Smuttynose on tap. A lot of beer bars in the area don’t seem to carry them. I don’t know why anyone would pass up having one of the best East Coast breweries on their lines but that’s where my friends from Mohawk House step in.
Steve makes sure he gets the rarest and most exclusive brews for his taps so naturally when Homunculus came in you can assure he would be selling it on draft. I found the beer to be much better on draft then out of the bottle. I don’t know why really. I felt the flavors were more pronounced and it had a little more carbonation obviously due to it being on gas.
I have always been a fan of Smuttynose Big Beer series and verall this was a very good beer. I look forward to trying it again next year as well comparing to the one I have stashed away in my cellar. Now if only we can get them to bottle some other short batches like Vundebar and Noonan, hint hint guys.