Here is some beer content long overdue. Brian and I finally bumbled our way down to Lambertville, NJ, so as to tour the esteemed River Horse Brewery. I’ve been pestering Brian about this trip, having been engaged in a sordid affair with their Tripel Horse for quite a while now. I couldn’t be happier with the result – an afternoon spent in the company of some of New Jersey’s finest beer crafters, who were more than happy to share their enthusiasm and knowledge with us. If I come off as like some shameless fan-boy, well… if it quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it’s probably a mallard. Continue reading “RIVER HORSE BREWING COMPANY”


New Jersey’s Atlantic Highlands is home to one of the Garden State’s freshest production breweries - Carton Brewing. Situated just a few blocks inland of the Sandy Hook Bay in an unmarked and repurposed 100+ year old red brick building, these guys are churning out signature beers. They are driven by a passion for quality food & drink, an enthusiasm that translates throughout their beer. Continue reading “CARTON BREWING COMPANY”